Our Thursday morning market is in Estero, located at Coconut Point Mall in the Panera Bread parking lot. Vendors offer the market staples – fresh produce, seafood, meats, cut flowers, locally harvested honey,and baked goods. You can also find a colorful assortment of handcrafts, non-foods for sale such as soaps, candles, hand woven baskets and hats. The market hours are 9am – 1pm.


Coconut Point Mall – Panera parking lot
23106 Fashion Drive, Estero 33928


October – April
Closed Thanksgiving


Thursdays, 9am – 1pm


Parking is plentiful and FREE anywhere in the Coconut Point Mall.


Please read our guide: Market Manners for Dogs!


Naturally Healthy Juice

- Email | NA

Crepe Factory

- Email | NA

Wholly Smoke BBQ

- Email | www.whollysmokebbq.com

Pilar’s Empanadas

- Email | www.pilarempanadas.net

Cruz Produce

- Email | NA

Wicked Dolphin Rum Distillery

- Email | wickeddolphin.com

Private Chef Sebastian Mazzotta

- Email | www.chefmazzotta2go.com

De Colores Artesanal

- Email | NA

Nuts 4 Ever

- Email | NA

Sage and Indigo Juice

- Email | sageandindigojuiceco.com

Donna Elias Studios

- Email | stores.donnaelias.com

Pretty Baked Cupcakes

- Email | NA

Stamper Cheese

- Email | stampercheeseflorida.com

Farmers Mike’s Produce

- Email | www.farmermikesupick.com

Pretzel King

- Email | NA

Steffandre Tagua Jewelry

- Email | NA

Forever Grounded Coffee

- Email | forevergroundedcoffee.com

Sophie’s Homemade Gifts

- Email | NA

Aux Delices

- Email | NA

That NY Bagel Place

- Email | NA


- Email | NA

Spirit Glow Luxury Candles

- Email | spiritglowluxurycandles.com

Better Than A Bistro

- Email | betterthanabistro.com

The Hideout Café

- Email | NA

Giggity Candy Co

- Email | NA

Taspen’s Organics and Dragonfly Botanicals

- Email | taspens.com

Craft ‘em Pickles

- Email | NA

Twila Mae’s Chicken Salad

- Email | twilamaeschickensalad.com

Glassy Lady

- Email | NA

Flowers by Ruby

- Email | NA

Dynasty Ceviche

- Email | NA

WOW Natural Care – Pain Relief

- Email | www.wownaturalcare.com

I love Oils

- Email | www.iloveoils.com

Wrapped In Stone

- Email | NA

Dynasty Guacamole

- Email | NA

Joe’s Fresh Catch

- Email | joesfreshcatch.com

Bee’s Handmade Pottery

- Email | NA

Dynasty Paella

- Email | NA

Heritage Honey

- Email | heritagehoney.org

Lisa V. Watermelon Tea and Skin Products

- Email | lisavholisticskin.com

Madagascar Hats

- Email | www.madagascarhat.com

Angeles Tamales

- Email | NA

Love Less Sugar

- Email | NA

Mediterranean Delight

- Email | NA

Angelic Desserts

- Email | www.angelicdesserts.com

Mangiamo Meatballs

- Email | www.mangiamomeatballs.com

Mr. Fun Guy

- Email | mrfunguyusa.com

Authentic Cotton

- Email | authenticcotton.com


- Email | NA

Naples Artsy

- Email | NA

Beach Bar Fixins

- Email | NA

The Licorice Guy

- Email | licoriceguy.com